In an absolutely foul mood yesterday. No real reason to be, other than the usual frustration with my lack of getting things done. By about 8pm on the rain-splattered streets of Highgate I was actually holding my umbrella down over my face in case someone recognised me, like some ridiculous celebrity. I really, really didn’t want to speak to another human soul. If only there were ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs for pedestrians as well as hotel bedroom doors.
Naturally, someone did shout ‘Hello, Dickon!’, and I know who it was. I’m ashamed to say I pretended not to hear and didn’t stop. What do you do when you’re out and about in town but really don’t want to stop and speak to anyone? I suppose the answer is, you learn how to overcome those sort of feelings. One more thing the rest of the human race is better at than I.
What you’re meant to do is stop and smile and pretend to be pleased, even though inside you want to say ‘Don’t take it personally, but leave me alone. I’m trying to get home in the rain as quickly as possible, not out for a pleasant stroll. I’m not in the mood. ‘
I bet the Queen Mother must have felt that way on occasion. Still, thanks to recent revelations from his private papers, we all know that Prince Charles does feel like that.
Nevertheless, I feel a lot better today. The new Morrissey and Sparks albums have arrived for me to review.