Fosca play Bush Hall – tomorrow
Fosca are playing a Strange Fruit event at Bush Hall tomorrow (Sat Nov 1st), supporting Sodastream. Details here:
We shall be onstage 9.30pm, off 10.15pm, approximately.
I'm rather excited about performing at this particular venue. Ornate Edwardian plasterwork, cherubs and chandeliers in abundance. I shall forgive it for being in West London.
One for the Tracy Chevalier fans:

Highgate Wood Cafe, Autumn 2003.
Photo by Neil Scott.
Happy Birthday Mr Wilde.
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Star of Stage and Print
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Two announcements to the curious:
This Friday, my group Fosca are performing at the Buffalo Bar in Highbury Corner. More information at <a href=""></a>
Also, the <a href="">Sarah Watson portrait</a> of me features in the current issue (#2) of <a href="">Marmalade</a>, a trendy London art & style magazine. The image has been given a two-page spread (pages 86 – 87 if you're in a hurry). Available in Magma (Earlham Street, Covent Garden) and Borders Books. Or <a href="">email them</a> for mail order details.
I'm also on the cover of another art magazine, yet to appear. Further details when I have them.
Passive Sale
I've just found a spare copy of the Orlando album, "Passive Soul". Mint condition, unplayed.
<a href="">It's on Ebay for this week only</a>, starting at 99p as usual. If you know someone who may be interested, now is the time to tell them.
A Bloomsbury Set Barbecue
Here's something you don't see every day:
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<p>This was taken at Ms Scott's barbecue in the suburbs of Oxford last weekend. No tiresome attempt at irony or any similarly deviant commentary on this apotheosis of Surburbia was in the least intended. However, the comparatively bohemian nature of many of Ms Scott's jolly acquaintances did mean the event couldn't help but feature a few Bloomsbury Set-like elements. Certainly ones that would be uncommon at the kind of barbecue documented in, say, the works of Mr Ayckbourn. Not least my own brief stint at the grill, as pictured.
One criteria of the modern garden barbecue is that a man, ideally the most testosterone-charged of men, should do the cooking, often with an unamusing apron. Rarely a man who looks the way I do. And so Mr Storey considered this, quite rightly, worthy of a photograph.
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<p> <p>The gathering was soundtracked by a vintage Dansette-like gramophone that had been wired up to an mp3-playing I-Pod (see photo). Just the kind of dangerous juxtaposition that, it was observed, would have Sapphire and Steel on the scene at once. Thankfully, Time, as far as we were aware, did not "Break Through" at any point.
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<p>A further unusual element documented by Mr Storey was this impromptu Study In Malt Loaf by the artist Ms Dennis. "Maltzilla", seen here menacing an innocent teacake, was created at an impressive speed when no one was looking. "Quite a good modelling material, as cakes go," she commented. "Holds together well."
<p><p><br> <p> <p>(with acknowledgements to <lj user=mzdt>)