An email from yet another Swedish Fosca fan:
I was wondering if Fosca was planning to do any Stockholm dates in the near future?
I know that you went to Gothenburg and Malmo, but that’s a bit far away from here.
Well, we’d love to play Stockholm right now, but like any gig outside of London, until we get an international booking agent and decent support from a record label, we have to be asked by a promoter over there.
It’s not like this sort of request is like some lone fan writing:
‘When are you going to play my home town of Tinyville, Ohio? You’ve cruelly overlooked it so far’
(Answer: Because you would be the only person in the audience!)
But with Sweden, Fosca do have this intense little following, and the emails from that part of the world do keep coming. I can’t help thinking that, with a decent professional Swedish-compatible agent and record company behind us, we could even be having proper hits over there. That we’ve played Sweden five times entirely due to fans becoming promoters of their own volition, investing much of their own time and money, purely in order to see us play must surely count for something.
I did hear of a travelling music festival that Plan B magazine was affiliated with, calling at Stockholm and Gothenburg. Perfect for Fosca, so I emailed the people at once. Turns out the chap in charge is a kind Englishman I’ve met years ago, Mr Gooch. But too late – the bill’s full.
All I can suggest to Swedish fans out there is to put the name of Fosca forward to local promoters and festival organisers. Approach them to approach us, and we’ll do it.
At least now Fosca have a manager. And we’re looking into getting merchandise made. Badges, bookmarks and pens. Not t-shirts, though, obviously.
Onwards and upwards.