I feel like I'm dying. My face appears to be on fire as I type this.
I have a phlegmy cough, a nose that is at turns blocked and running, a headache, hot flushes and cold shivers, plus aching and fatigued limbs.
Flu-like symptoms.
So, yes, naturally, I think I've got <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/2871613.stm">SARS.</a>
Last year, when I had a similar bout of flu, I thought I had anthrax poisoning. Seriously. I am a world-class hypochondriac, something which tends to go hand-in-self-obsessed-hand with narcissism. Still, it doesn't help that all these scary viruses that make the news tend to have symptoms of common everyday illnesses. Now, bright blue spots on the forehead – that'd be more useful. Mystery illnesses are just so <i>thoughtless.</i>
I'm knocking back a bottle of Day Nurse, but if you have better remedies to mind, feel free to post them.
Otherwise, let the world know that I died with my mascara on.