Further to my previous entry, here are some sample questions taken from previous editions of <a href="http://www.biggerboat-filmquiz.co.uk" target="_blank">the Boogaloo film quiz</a>. These should help to give an inkling of the sort of knowledge required. My thanks to Mr Hupfield for providing these.
I was going to say I'll post the answers in a few days. But then I realised this is the Web. <a href="http://www.google.co.uk/" target="_blank">Google</a> is but a click away.
<b>Name the films with the following taglines.</b>
1. A world inside the computer where man has never been. Never before now.
2. The creators of JAWS and STAR WARS now bring you the ultimate hero in the ultimate adventure.
3. The Night HE Came Home!
4. Don't close your eyes.
5. These are the Armies Of The Night. They are 100,000 strong. They outnumber cops five to one. They could rule New York. Tonight they're all out for…
6 – It's not who you love. It's how.
7 – Love. Expulsion. Revolution.
8 – A nervous romance.
9 – Can two friends sleep together and still love each other in the morning?
10 – Can the most famous film star in the world fall for just an ordinary guy?
<b>General knowledge questions.</b>
1 – What is the name of Holly Golightly's cat in 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'?
2 – Which actors play the Devil in the 1967 original and 2000 remake of 'Bedazzled'? Point for each
3 – Which of these Jon Voight films is the odd one out, and why? Point for film, point for reason
(a) Midnight Cowboy
(b) Mission Impossible
(c) The Champ
(d) Anaconda
4 – In which of these films does Jack Black not appear?
(a) Waterworld
(b) The Never Ending Story III
(c) Kingpin
5 – Who plays Prince's love interest in 'Under The Cherry Moon'?
6 – What are the names of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslett's characters in 'Titanic'? Point for each
7 – Which five films have been nominated for this year's best picture oscar?
8 – Which two singers star in the 1976 version of 'A Star Is Born'
9 – How many Oscars was 'Gone With The Wind' nominated for, and how may did it win? Point for each number, point for each one of the winning categories you can name…
10 – What's the sequel to 'Love Story' called?
11 – Who directed the 1968 and 1996 film versions of 'Romeo & Juliet'? Point for each
12 – Which actor links 'A Nightmare On Elm Street', 'The Astronaut's Wife' and 'Chocolat'?
13 – Who plays the 'Hollow Man' in the film of the same name?
14 – Which actors played the character Valmont in the films Dangerous Liasons and Cruel Intentions?
15 – Who plays Scarlett Johansson's husband in the film 'Lost In Translation'?
16 – Who is playing 'Alfie' in the remake of the sixties classic?
17 – Which actors have played the vampire Lestat? Extra point for film names.
18 – Who directed the 1998 remake of Hitchcock's classic 'Psycho'?
19 – In the film 'Blade', what is Blade's first name?
20 – Who played Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in the film of the same name?
21 – How many Bob Hope/Bing Crosby 'Road' movies were there? Point for the number, point for each title.
22 – Who wrote and directed 'An American Werewolf In London'? For an extra point, which film was he working on when he wrote the original script?
23 – Who directed both the 1972 and 2002 versions of 'Solaris'?
24 – Which actor links these three films? The Big Lebowski. The Talented Mr. Ripley. Twister.
25 – Two actors turned down the role of Neo in 'The Matrix' prior to Keanu Reeves. Who were they? Point for each.
26 – In the 'Nightmare On Elm Street' series, who plays Freddy Krueger?
27 – In the film 'O Brother Where Art Thou', which actors play the following characters: Big Dan McTeague; Ulysses Everett McGill; Delmar O'Donnell; Penny Wharvey; and Pete. (in order, please)
28 – Who directed 'The Empire Strikes Back'?
29 – Who played IMF leader Jim Phelps in the big screen version of 'Mission Impossible'?
30 – Gangster epic 'Road To Perdition', science fiction comedy 'Men In Black', quirky indie drama 'Ghost World' and adult animation 'Fritz The Cat' have what in common?
31 – Name Britney Spears's film debut.
32 – Who played 'Trapper John' McIntyre and 'Hawkeye' Pierce in the 1970 movie M*A*S*H? In order, please.
33 – What do Gollum and Joy Division producer Martin Hannett have in common?
34 – 'Blame Canada' from 'South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut' was nominated for the 200 Best Song Oscar. Who performed it at the live event?
35 – What is the name of O.J. Simpson's character in the 'Naked Gun' trilogy?
36 – Who or what is Kes in the film 'Kes'?