I feel it’s about time I thanked a few people for recent help and generosity.
Thanks be to, in no particular order:
The London Library Trust, for approving my application to one of their grants, without which I couldn’t have afforded the membership fee. It probably wasn’t the President himself, Tom Stoppard, who handled the application. But I like to think it was.
Dr. Lesley Hall, for being my referee in the above application.
Mr Neil Scott, for maintaining and upgrading this website, transferring it to the new hosting server, and for generally knowing about such things.
Mr Rhodri Marsden, for providing the aforementioned new hosting and associated help.
Le Cool London, for calling me ‘one of London’s favourite characters’.
Mr Julian Lawton for putting ‘Scorpio Rising’ onto DVD for me.
Mr Gary Cook, for designing the current Beautiful & Damned flyer.
Mr Lawrence Gullo, for the flyer before that.
Mr Laurence A Hughes, for remote-control guidance and discipline.
Mr T Chipping, for sending me the Sondheim interview and massive hardback biography of Diana Ross.
Mr Gerry O’Boyle, Miss Red, Miss Lou and all at The Boogaloo for their continuing kindness and patronage in general.
Mr MacGowan and Ms Clarke for their supreme generosity.
… and my long-suffering mother and father who have frequently, suffice it to say, kept me Out Of Trouble. Or at least, the more dull forms of Trouble.
And that’s just the most recent lot.
Thank you.