Thought: I want to Appear In More Things. I want to put the way I look to good use. If I must be attacked at bus stops, I want the flip side.
The article in Sleazenation has sparked off a burning desire in me to be painted, drawn, written about, photographed, to appear in videos, adverts, films, the sides of crisp packets, and so on. I can't act, but I can pose. I DO pose. Accidentally.
While watching 'Tipping The Velvet", I envied Alexie Sayle and Sara Stockbridge for their appearances: they got about three lines each to say (not particularly well), but looked wonderful.
So I'm gathering phone numbers of agents that handle extra work for People With A Look (unusual as opposed to good-looking) as well as those who book models for life drawing in art schools, and, well, having a go.
Any advice is most welcome.