As well as lending the Gemeentemuseum one of my outfits for their ‘Ideal Man’ exhibition, I’m mentioned in the official invite to the opening night:
“…Modern dandy and British fashion icon Dickon Edwards will also be present.”
So there you go. British fashion icon.
Well, I suppose I did have the Agyness Deyn hairdo before she did. If you squint. And stand a long distance away. It’s said in the papers this week that women across the UK are asking hairdressers to give them ‘The Agy’: a short, spiky peroxide cut.
I’m sure it’s been pointed out before, but Ms Deyn’s look does seem very Face Magazine circa 1985. I would say it’s even a bit Romo, except that the New Romantics were disdainful, haughty, and aristocratic. Agyness Deyn’s image – or at least the image her magazine covers like to play up – is more playful, friendly, childlike, with a touch of Japanese comics at their fizziest. Manga Romo, if you will. I approve.
I read elsewhere that the Ideal Man show will also include two suits formerly owned by President Mitterrand. Me and Mitterrand – museum suit brothers.
Friday: Photo shoot at my place, this time for photographer Jamie McLoed. He’s putting together an exhibition of, well, exhibitionists and dandies for the Green Carnation bar. Sebastian Horsley recommended me to him, and so today I spend an hour or so posing in my room with a cigarette – his suggestion.
Afterwards: to the Curzon Mayfair with VM Clarke for ‘The Edge Of Love’, the John Maybury movie about Dylan Thomas. Or rather, the ladies in Dylan Thomas’s life. Lots of smoking and posing in that, too.
Before that, dinner with VMC at a restaurant in Shepherd Market. Victor Lewis-Smith is at the next table, cartoonish black dreadlocks still in place. VMC tells me about the celebrity karaoke party she attended the previous night, as the guest of Nick Cave. Apparently Will Self can deliver an impressive rendition of ‘Hey Joe’.