Am at the Latitude festival in Suffolk, DJ-ing in the Cabaret Tent and blogging for the official website (, as I did last year. Except this time I’m camping onsite. Partly so I don’t take the long walk to the main road and back every day (and it IS long), partly because I’ve not gone camping since my teens.
Friends have smirked when I tell them I’m taking the tent option, knowing I patently refuse to own wellies or jeans or anoraks, and thinking the slightest inkling of mud will have me calling a taxi and booking into the nearest hotel. But putting up a tent while keeping the dirt of one’s pinstripe suit and loafers is actually quite simple. You just kneel on the groundsheet and set the tent up around you. No problem. There’s a been a touch of rain, it’s true, but it’s hardly Passchendaele. Yet.