I learn a new term from Dad, who’s experienced power failures in Suffolk due to high winds. The term is ‘brownout’, as opposed to blackout. This is when there’s a dimming or partial power cut to a building or locality. As favoured by futurological writers like Herman Kahn and Alvin Toppler, when they predicted 21st century difficulties. Now in regular use, like Mr Reid’s ‘not fit for purpose’.
Have been told off for dwelling on Big Brother so much. In fact, it’s gotten worse. Have now started to watch ‘Shipwrecked’, another reality show purely created in order to watch young people in swimwear as they argue on a desert island.
Am off to stay with Dad in Suffolk for a few days, which will be a trashy TV free zone. He doesn’t ban it. It’s just that I would feel more ashamed if I watched it there. This can only be a good thing.
Sunday: meet friends in The Flask in Highgate. Used to be a student-heavy pub, now is absolutely packed with polite middle class types. I slightly grumble at this to David B, who retorts ‘would you prefer loud middle class types? What do you want from a pub?’. I suppose ultimately what I want is a room that’s barely attended, featuring only people I have personally vetted on the way in.