I’m standing for governmental election on May 4th. Oh yes! Well, if Adam Rickitt and Arnold Schwarzeneggar can do it, I don’t see why I can’t.
Specifically, The Green Party have asked me to be one of their candidates for local government this year: Haringey Council, Highgate Ward. I’ll be there on the ballot paper.
I promise to refrain from ever using the words ‘inappropriate’ or ‘error of judgement’ in official statements. That alone makes me pretty unique.
If nothing else, I want to generate a bit of publicity and visibility for the Green Party and for the local elections themselves, which tend to have a notoriously low turnout. Getting people to use their vote is something I do feel strongly about.
If you’re a UK citizen, please go to http://www.aboutmyvote.co.uk/, and enter your
postcode to see if there’s elections in your area this year. And if there are, please USE your vote on May 4th. If you’re not registered, get registered NOW. Download a registration form from the site, fill it in and send it off. No excuses.
The deadline for registering to vote in time for the May elections is March 13.