So, it's been launched. "Diary On An Antibody" by Fosca. A new album on CD. Out in the shops officially on Monday. Available directly from the Shinkansen label online <a href="">here</a>.
And the album launch gig last night was a good evening, if truth be told.
Kings Cross Water Rats, one of my favourite venues, on a nice balmy evening, with many old friends and acquaintances in attendance. C33X and Vermont were both wonderful, and we played fairly well, I like to think. After warming up with "Storytelling Johnny" from the first album, we played all of the new album in order. Just like those recent gigs at the Royal Festival Hall where Mr Wilson played all of 'Pet Sounds', and Mr Bowie all of 'Low'.
Kate had a glittery ball-gown on for the occasion, and debuted her recorder solos. And I debuted my shock-horror fuzzbox to get the noisy guitar sound at the very end of "Letter To Saint Christopher". The only reason I hadn't used it in concert before was that it didn't fit in my bag. I managed to finally solve the problem this time. I brought a bigger bag.
Another first was myself wearing a buttonhole, a red knitted (or should that be crocheted?) affair, given to me at Ladyfest by a kind reader of these diaries. Thank you, thank you, o buttonhole-giver, if you're reading this.
We wrote a special programme for the evening, containing notes on all the songs of the new album. If you're interested, you can read the text <a href="">here</a>.