Looking at other LiveJournals, I notice that choosing to eschew a pseudonym seems quite unusual. My reason for plumping for "dickon_edwards" and not something like "kittenboy666" or "glitter_librarian" is that I want anyone looking for me on the Web to find me as easily as possible.
That, and because there is no need for a comedy pseudonym when one's own given name is comedic enough.
I once tried out one of those programs that's meant to elimate your computer of potentially offensive "adult" material, in case it discovered something lurking on my hard drive I hadn't previously been aware of.
It came up with hundreds of archived emails and text files. Because they all contained the word "Dickon".
It's happened elsewhere. I once got thrown out of an internet chatroom within seconds with the words "change yr nickname".
"But it's my given name. I went through school with it."
"change yr nick or B banned."
"It's NOT my 'nick'! Are you an American who's never been exposed to "The Secret Garden", by any chance?"
"Never mind."