Sometimes I like this diary to do impersonations of a normal blog. If only to get some of the internetty things I like out of my system.
This is my favourite comic book cover of the moment, even if Mr Barack’s tie is too short:
(via the New York Times).
I like it almost as much as this 70s Jack Kirby number. Have I mentioned this before? Now’s the time, then:
The more I look at this cover, the more I think about it, the happier it makes me.
‘Die, bungling gnat!!’
TWO exclamation marks, too.
The phrase itself – coming from a human villain – would be pleasure enough. That it has to come from a talking killer whale, pausing to dispatch the human hero, and choosing those words, is just… oh… heaven.
Then there’s the caption above the title:
‘Men have killed for fish before… But these men were trained by them!’
Men! Fish! Blond hair! Muscles! Double exclamation marks!
There is a point to this apparent randomness. Lately, I’ve been moping about with the usual despondancy, which led to my moping about on the Net reading message boards about depression. I’ve thus found myself forking out for the latest faddy herbal happy pill. To wit: 5-HTP. Not the world’s most catchy, natural-sounding title, I know. Holland and Barrett stock it at £15 a jar, which rather rendered me more depressed (not to say feeling gullible) than I was before I made the purchase, but there you go. If they do Sort Me Out, however, I’ll happily sing 5-HTP’s praises from the hills. I’ll give them a month.
But today, my thoughts are: medication, schmedication. The Kirby killer whale is prescription enough.