I now feel the urge to quote the lyrics to Dory Previn’s ‘Yada Yada La Scala’. She really is one of the lyric-writing greats in rock and pop: up there with Mr Cohen and Mr Morrissey in my book. Her best known song is ‘The Lady With The Braid’, which is included on Jarvis Cocker’s new DJ album, ‘The Trip’. But I feel ‘Yada Yada…’ works even better in a club, with its tragicomic-vaudeville oompah arrangement.
let’s stop talking talking talking, wasting precious time
just a lot of empty noise that isn’t worth a dime
words of wonder, words of whether
should we shouldn’t we be together
yada yada yada yada yada
let’s stop talking talking talking, taking up our lives
saying things that don’t make sense, hoping help arrives
curse my questions, damn your qualms
tomorrow they could be dropping bombs
and we go yada yada yada yada yada
so we sit at a restaurant table
discussing reasons we’re unable to commit. that’s not it
all i want is to please and enjoy you
what makes you think i’ll be out to destroy you
if you commit. that’s not it.
is it something you sense underneath my defenses that makes me a threat?
that’s not it. and yet… suppose that’s it?
i don’t want to think about that now
let’s stop talking talking talking, every lame excuse
justifying alibying listen what’s the use
the sparrow chirps, the chipmunk chatters
and we go on as mad as a hatter
and nothing at all gets said
talk to me please… in bed. where it matters.
talk to me please, in bed. where it matters.