I’m preparing for the next Beautiful & Damned night on Thursday 18th. Someone from Time Out is keen to run a feature, so I’ve given them a photo and conducted a short email interview. It’s the third time I’ve been interviewed about the club, and Thurs is only its second outing.
I’m rather concerned about the problem of the CD decks being jolted by enthusiastic dancing on the neighbouring floorboards, particularly by those fond of the Charleston – all that stamping about.
One solution is to forgo CDs altogether, and play mp3 files on a laptop for the whole set, something I’ve seen others do a few times now. I’m told there’s a program called Traktor that’s particularly suitable for the purpose. Thing is, I don’t have a laptop. If any kind London-based soul out there can lend me one for the night, or has alternate helpful advice, please get in touch.
Or perhaps I could try this suggestion from Alex M:
“You could borrow two Sony mobiles and do it off them! My K750 plays mp3s and you can get a standard photo audio lead for it. I don’t actually think it’s been done before and you’d be hailed as the New Streets overnight!”