I have no idea what the band Torture Shoe sound like (apparently they're a bit like Squarepusher, so I suppose that means bleeps and clicking noises all round), but I'm rather fond of their titles.
Their album is called "That Last Stage Of Syphilis Really Caught Me By Suprise", and its tracklisting is as follows:
1. I Don't Smell Of Urine Anymore
2. A Scoliotic Spine In My Stomach
3. Aspirating Meconium
4. Donating Expired Food To Flood Victims
5. Perfectly Good Ova
6. Taste The Arm
7. Skip This Track
8. This Song Is Weak And Should Not Have Been Included
9. Jackie's Finger Hurts: Does That Mean Cancer?
10. Slicing Ankles
11. I Have Never Before Used The Word Stratagem During Conversation