I know I really shouldn’t leave these alerts so late, but here we go anyway.
I’m giving another mini-lecture at the Camden School Of Enlightenment tomorrow. It’s about modern cliches – which is in itself a cliched thing to talk about. There’s plenty of stocking-filler type books out there on the subject, and ranting articles in the press by self-appointed arbiters of good writing. Some cliches are used to engender superiority (A corporate crook: “I was disappointed in the police for catching me… I felt their action was inappropriate”). But identifying cliches also risks a certain vanity on my part (Reader’s voice: “Why stop now?”).
So I’ll try to focus on my own taste and (one hopes) provide fresher musings on why a gentle usage of cliches can in fact be a good thing.
Date: Tuesday July 12th 2011
Time: Doors 7.30pm. Acts start 8pm. I’m on at about 9.40pm – 10pm.
Where: Â Upstairs at The Camden Head, 100 Camden High Street, London NW1 0LU.
Cost: Free.
More info at: http://www.csofe.co.uk/
The issue of the New Escapologist with my article on Bohemian Bedsit living is still available. It’s issue #5 and also contains Alain de Botton, Reggie C. King, Neil Scott and many others. It’s more like a literary periodical than a magazine: no ads, proper spine.
You can get it from the online store at:Â http://newescapologist.co.uk
Tags: camden school of enlightenment, new escapologist