I’ve got yet another new ailment to moan about. It’s increasingly difficult not to believe someone out there really does own a voodoo doll.
I’ve either sprained or actually dislocated the big toe on my right foot. And now I can barely walk properly. Presumably it’s by sleeping or sitting for too long in a strange position. I’ve done this to the toe before (and it was definitely from sitting at my desk too long), but in the past it’s righted itself in a few minutes.
Not this time, however. Yesterday, I was shocked to discover I couldn’t even go to the nearest corner shop to buy provisions, without limping very slowly and with a large amount of pain. I was fighting back tears all the way, and must have been an even odder sight on the Archway Road than normal.
So I just went straight back to bed and hoped it would get better.
Now it’s a day later and the toe is still the same. Still can’t put pressure on it without a lot of pain, so I still can’t walk properly.
I’ve a horrible feeling it’s a dislocation, which will have to be snapped back into position without anaesthetic; a procedure that somewhat frightens me.
Off to the GP this afternoon, then. I may have to resort to calling a cab to get there.