Given my 4-year old desktop PC keeps crashing more frequently, particularly when I play long videos or try to convert audio files, I’ve been thinking of eschewing the installation of a new processor (and hoping for the best), and replacing the bloody thing with a laptop. Ten years of desktop ownership, while really envying laptop users. I feel I’ve almost earned it. It would solve my DJ problem too.
Alex M has suggested I take the plunge and convert to the world of Macintosh, buying a used G4 iBook on Ebay rather than a brand new Windows laptop. I’m not sure. I’ve been swimming in the Windows seas for so long, I’m rather wary of such a change. Then again, it could be just what I need. Many writers and artists I admire bang on about Macs, but then PC users don’t really say anything: they just get on with it.
Any pro-Mac or pro-PC evangelists out there with advice , please drop me an email. Bearing in mind I have a budget of £500, which rather narrows things down.