Matt sends me a small review of the new <a href="">Fosca</a> single from "Unpeeled", the unofficial paper-only fanzine for the John Peel show:
"FOSCA: Secret Crush On Third Trombone
"The "A" track is a bit of accomplished and muscular whimsy, if there is such a thing, pushed along by a seriously overweight bass. An attractive noise, 80's bombast saved and beyond by sharp lyrics and impeccable timing. Neat, but not a patch on… "Diary of an Antibody", spoken diary entries, increasingly odd, funny and poignant "of course I blow my own trumpet, anyone else's would be unhygienic" and "sex is the PE of adult life and I've got a note from my mother…" I'm afraid it's one of those "must have" records, please buy it, or at the very least get on to Uncle John, hassle him to play it and then tape it."
Reviewed by "Zak Ordinance Jnr of the Fifth U.S. Tactical and Social Gathering Bombing Wing".
I don't <i>think</i> that's anyone I know.