Today’s News Of The World screams predictably about ‘Sarah’s Law’, and the need to keep convicted paedophiles monitored. They seem to be doing a pretty good job themselves, publishing a photo of two gentlemen apparently filming small children in a park. Later that day, the police report they’ve arrested one of the men, thanks to the paper’s vigilence. The papers sell, the readers are happy, the police are happy. Who needs a new law?
In fact, if Sarah’s Law were to come into being, the tabloid would no longer be obliged to do this sort of monitoring themselves. I can’t believe that’s what they really want, deep down. They clearly love taking pictures of paedophiles, and would hate to have to stop. Monitoring paedophiles is the tabloids’ fetish. They’re paedophile-philes. They get off on taking photos of men getting off on taking photos.
Just underneath this story on the NOTW website is a rather shocking juxtaposition: a little ad for a competition called ‘Baby Idol’. Next to a photo of a smiling naked baby is the following invitation. “Does your baby have the X Factor? Do you think your nipper could be Britain’s cutest? Text or email us your top tot photos and you could win a family holiday for four.”
Something else that springs to mind: the editor of The Sun and lately of the NOTW, Ms R. Wade, is married to the Eastenders actor Mr R. Kemp. With his shaven head and moon-like features, I can’t help thinking Mr Kemp rather resembles a giant baby. I’d better not dwell on this line of thinking any further.
I do hope no one saw me looking at the News Of The World. I was doing it purely for research purposes.