A number of friends and fellow online diarists I enjoy use the Livejournal system to host their entries. I’d love to know what they’re up to this week, but weirdly the Moroccan government blocks the entire LJ system from the nation’s net. The other big blogging site, Blogger, remains untouched, so surely it can’t be deliberate. Anyone wanting to say something against the government can just get a Blogger account instead.
Seems rather harsh on the entire LiveJournal world. It’s not always photos of cats and talking about Harry Potter.
O LiveJournal people: I do hope you haven’t been wiped out by bird flu. And if you have readers in Morocco, or rather if you want to have readers in Morocco, you should bear this in mind.
Update: one way of getting around this block is by going to www.mathcookbook.net There they are! After a fashion.