Sitting up in bed back at the hotel. The DJ-ing was fun, though I think my set was the best part of 3 hours. It ended at 0130, and I’m exhausted. Hope the nice Norwich people enjoyed it. Sarah had a 1920s theme for her party, so it was heels, beads, vintage stoles and feather headbands aplenty.
On the way to the venue, our car had to give way to a fire engine rushing to get past. When we got to the restaurant, someone said Norwich City Hall was on fire. Can’t find anything about it in the news online, though.
Nearly walked in on an event in an adjoining function room: some kind of Sylvia Plath-related fringe poetry event. The people attending had to share the same bar as Sarah’s party, so I got to see 2007-dressed people suddenly having to queue for the bar with people in 1920s attire. Both parties looked bemused by each other’s presence.
Rather nice food – I was the only vegetarian there. Didn’t know anyone at the dinner, of course, but I was happy enough chatting about London, about growing up in East Anglia, about bohemian living in London and so on. Couldn’t really help on the rugby front, but I understand England beat France. People were checking their mobile phones for the match result during dinner. And yes, the rugby fans were gentlemanly enough, even though some of their dance moves were rather… physical. Chairs were involved.
Ordered pavlova for dessert, thinking it was a kind of mousse and not a meringue. The lesson was learned when it arrived.
Projected Pandora’s Box and Phantom Of The Opera (Lon Chaney) while I DJ’d. Still fantastic to watch; I’ll never grow tired of them. With Pandora’s Box, you come out whistling the hairdos.
Bed now.