Sadness: the mysterious foot pain is mysteriously back (am I now officially arthritic?), and it looks like I’m going to have play this Fosca gig while being unable to walk. Rachel is providing me with extra painkillers. It’s going to have to be pricey taxis from Highgate to Brixton and back. But then, I would have insisted on that anyway.
I did say it’s the last Fosca gig. But perhaps that’s unfair, what with the Victoria Line’s shortcomings preventing some fans from coming. Perhaps we should do a reunion when the album’s out. I don’t know. We’ll burn that bridge when we come to it. A booking agent and record label would make all the difference.
Sadness: the foot pain has also triggered the dreaded depression. I yearn to throw myself into activity, but The Foot isn’t making it easy. It’s coming and going, though.
Happiness (slight): just found out that the forthcoming ‘Doctor Who: Key To Time’ DVD box set includes a previously unscreened 1979 broadcast of Tom Baker reading ‘Late Night Tales’, including Saki’s ‘Sredni Vashtar’. Which is pretty much my idea of heaven. Little spectator indulgences like this may not exactly be a rest-cure (to quote another Saki title), but they help.