I’m hot-headed in all the wrong ways. Feel riddled with a disorientating headache (making it hard to read from this screen), plus am additionally burdened with nausea, loss of appetite and a dizzy fever. The traffic was unusually deafening on my walk to Highgate Group Practice. Either everyone has turned up the volume on their cars, or I’m ill.
So I’ve just seen the GP. She suspects it’s an ear infection, and has put me on a course of antibiotics. I’ve no rash or neck stiffness, so she doesn’t think meningitis is the case, but the only true way to rule it out is for me to go to Whittington A&E (a short bus ride or 15 min walk away) and get a lumbar puncture. This means spinal fluid extracted and tested. It does seem rather drastic. But sitting here worried out of my mind – when I can think straight at all – I’m considering going along and asking for it, if only to put my mind at rest. In every sense.