<img align=left src="http://www.in-public.com/images/marmalade_sept03.gif"></img>
Two announcements to the curious:
This Friday, my group Fosca are performing at the Buffalo Bar in Highbury Corner. More information at <a href="http://www.fosca.com">www.fosca.com</a>
Also, the <a href="http://www.fosca.com/DICKONphoto.jpg">Sarah Watson portrait</a> of me features in the current issue (#2) of <a href="http://www.marmalademag.com/">Marmalade</a>, a trendy London art & style magazine. The image has been given a two-page spread (pages 86 – 87 if you're in a hurry). Available in Magma (Earlham Street, Covent Garden) and Borders Books. Or <a href="mailto:mail@hotbed.org">email them</a> for mail order details.
I'm also on the cover of another art magazine, yet to appear. Further details when I have them.