I feel terrible: headaches, dizziness, nausea, insomnia. Almost definitely connected to the heat: London is a stifling 29C today. It's just as well I'm not obliged to go anywhere on a bus or tube train, as I honestly think I'd pass out or be sick, or both.
My father suffers from extreme, paralysing migraines, which often get brought on in hot weather. So far I've appeared not to inherit them. But I've never reacted to hot weather <i>this</i> badly before, and am worried this is the start of that particular gene finally manifesting itself. I sincerely hope not.
So I've had to back out of attending an audience recording of "Little Britain", much to my chagrin. Initial reports from the front are excellent. Messrs Walliams and Lucas have their own style of grotesque character-based sketch humour coupled with a style of surreal wordplay that really doesn't exist anywhere else. And where else can you find Molly Sugden, Tom Baker, Giles from Buffy and Tim from Orlando in the same TV programme? A DVD is already being planned, and needless to add I'll be placing an advance order.
Still, I've been getting some Undone Things done. I've finally put a huge pile of dusty old music papers out for the weekly recycling van. Leafing through them was interesting: front covers for Heavy Stereo, Terris, Ultrasound and Three Colours Red. Much good did it do them.
Thoughts on the upcoming Adam Ant documentary. Tragic, After They Were Famous stories being good TV. Rod Hull, Gazza, and now Mr Ant. Nothing succeeds like success being "paid for" in Faustian terms. Schadenfreude is such an English quality for such a German word.