Catching up with the diary after a break is always like starting a car on a winter morning. Photos are like pulling out the choke.
I don’t know about you (that would be strange), but I find it helps to ensure one’s tour guides in New York are amongst the most beautiful and stylish gentlemen the city has to offer.
Sunday August 23rd. Mr Tobi Haberstroh, at home with the works of art at the Chelsea (9th floor staircase):
Wednesday August 25th. Mr Cator Sparks, Dandy of Harlem. Showtime at the, oh, you know:
Thursday August 27th. Mr Kevin Tobar, Ecuador’s Master Of Tongues. Sharing hair-of-the-dog cocktails at a pavement cafe in the East Village:
Right, off to the library to do some Proper Writing.
Tags: Cator Sparks, Kevin Tobar, NYC, Tobi Haberstroh