Quick announcement before it gets any later, for anyone attending the mighty San Diego Comic-Con this weekend. I’m not, but my words are.
The fanzine Phonogram vs The Fans, which was made especially for SDCC and includes the Phonogram-inspired short story I’ve mentioned earlier, is on sale at the convention. Worth getting for the cover alone: a Jamie McKelvie pastiche of that striking Jenny Saville painting which adorns the latest Manics CD. You really do have to see it in print to properly appreciate it, I think.
It’ll be at the Image Comics booth (#2729). More info at curator Matthew Sheret’s blog:
The comic Phonogram itself – highly recommended – is in the middle of its 7-issue second series, The Singles Club. Each issue comes with ‘B-side’ stories drawn by guest artists. Inspired stuff indeed. Latest info on the comic is at:
I can’t think of San Diego without hearing the superb 6ths song ‘San Diego Zoo’ in my head.
Tags: Phonogram, Phonogram Vs The Fans