The new album by The Hidden Cameras, “Awoo” is out now, and needless to say it’s my favourite album of the year. Though the Morrissey, Sparks, Scott Walker and Xiu Xiu releases come close.
Long term readers will know I’ve been raving about The Hidden Cameras since their first releases a few years ago, and though I no longer wish to jump on the next plane to Toronto and stalk them, I still think the world of them. Please, please get this album. It’s utterably, unnameably gorgeous and joyously intoxicating. I almost literally cannot stop playing it.
Anyway, here’s a YouTube video for the title track.
Wolf mask dancers, sparklers, “The Box Of Delights”, gay glockenspiels… How anyone can NOT fall in love with The Hidden Cameras is beyond me.
Some film recommendations, while I think of them:
As the cliche goes, if you see only one film in the next month, go and see “The Queen”. It’s essential viewing for anyone who’s heard of England, frankly.
“Snowcake” is rather good, too, even though it looks like sentimental mush. Alan Rickman’s greatest performance, finally getting a stab at a lead role in what seems like an eon.
“Little Miss Sunshine” looks good and has its moments, but isn’t quite enough compared to the rather similar “Pieces Of April” or “The Daytrippers”.
“Trust The Man” is a fluffy but enjoyable enough “Sex And The City” type comedy, which is fine if like me you’re happy to watch Julianne Moore and Maggie Gyllanhaal in absolutely anything. Though the ending is such a romcom cliche, it makes Richard Curtis look like Fassbinder.