Weds July 2nd – early hours.
As it turns out, the airline crew lets Shane have a small glass of wine after all, towards the end of the flight. The rest of the time, he sleeps.
I drop him off at his Dublin house, as the sun comes up. The lady taxi driver tells him she’s a big fan. A nice touch of symmetry.
Then I groggily catch my connection to Heathrow, make it home for a nap, and eventually report back to the Boogaloo that evening. The jet lag won’t really hit me till after Mum’s ceremony: the adrenalin about that is now keeping me going.
On this particular Wednesday evening, it’s the bar’s monthly film quiz. As I enter I note the current round is about ‘Dragons In Movies’. The projection screen shows a still from Q – The Winged Serpent, a very silly 80s horror flick about a dragon who lives at the top of the Chrysler Building.
Thus, New York goes back to being something from the movies.