Managed to see a GP today after all. She thinks it might be arthritis, and has sent me off to pose for the Whittington Hospital X-Ray Dept tomorrow. It’s a condition more common in the elderly, but having developed varicose veins five years ago, I wouldn’t be at all surprised. If anyone could contract gout in 2007Â London, it’d be me. Fits with the image.
In the meantime, I’ve hit the ibuprofen pills (with the doctor’s blessing), and the pain has disappeared entirely. Contrary to what some pop combo wailed a decade ago, the drugs really do work. Good old drugs.
I’d previously laboured under the impression that Neurofen’s type of ibuprofen was somehow better than the cheap supermarket versions. Not so, confirms my GP. Boots, Co-Op, Sainsburys, Neurofen, it’s all the same.
By buying Neurofen over any other type of ibuprofen, you are merely paying for the shiny logo. Though I suppose it could be argued that there’s a healing power in logos, too. Good graphic design can make an aesthete feel better, just as the Olympic 2012 logo makes many feel sick.