I would just like to assure the friends and immediately family of Mr Luke Haines that my previous entry was in no way intended to be an unkind slight on Mr Haines' physical attractions. I just don't think I look like him, that's all. I realise all too well that I am hardly an oil painting myself. Well, I suppose I could be one of those more grotesque Francis Bacons. But not a Young Man By Bronzino, anyway (click here to see my favourite painting at the National Gallery.).
Although I've never quite adored The Auteurs, I do admire Mr Haines' other band Black Box Recorder, and today I bought their latest single, "These Are The Things". Last time around the band happily confessed wanting to make records as good as those of Ms Billie Piper, a statement which would make the Radioheads and Coldplays of this world explode in rockist umbrage. Now they appear to have gone in, and I wince to say it, an bleepy Ladytron / electroclash "direction". The song is instantly memorable, and I can't think what it reminds me of, which is probably a good thing. But I do rather like it. It'll be interesting to see if it makes The Proper Charts like "The Facts Of Life" did a few years ago.