So I’m in the car – well, a people-carrier – being driven with Mr SMG from JFK to NYC proper. It’s about 9pm, and as the Empire State, the Chrysler and the rest of that most heart-stopping of skylines looms into view, I think of all the songs…
I start singing, half under my breath, half indulged by Shane, and Moira our host and Sydney our driver.
‘We’ll take Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island too…. Um, dum dum dum-dum do…’
Pause. Think. Another song.
‘They sentenced to me twenty years of boredom… For trying to change the system from within…. First we take Manhattan – then we take Berlin!’
(Still haven’t been to Berlin yet.)
‘Hey Manhattan, doobie-doo…’ (Prefab Sprout).
But most of all, the one song that dominates my over-excited, no-longer-a-USA-virgin brain, is the very, VERY silly ‘America’ song from A Bit Of Fry And Laurie. Maybe because I know all of the words. All three of them.