The Diary Angels
(Illustration by Lawrence Gullo).
If you have enjoyed this site and the diary, please consider making a donation to keep it going.

My thanks to everyone below, and to those who donated anonymously. If I’ve left your name out, please let me know.
Raymond Anderson
Angel Jane
April Angell
Anthony Ã…slund
Chris Bailey
Kerry Barrass
Anders Bernland
Jane Berry
Pete Bowers
Kate Bufton
Reggie Chamberlain-King
Lady Cheval
Victoria Mary Clarke
Daniel Clift
Kate Connolly
Troy Cook
Gary Cook
Adam Cummins
Jeremy Dennis – for art services
Stephen Eastwood
Gordon Edgar
Francesc Ara Franco
Alison Freebairn
Brian & Lynne Edwards
Joris Gillet
David Gladwin
Ruth Graham
Anthony Green
Mary Groom
Lawrence Gullo
Daniel Gutierrez
Lesley Hall
David Harley
Ana Haworth
Katherine Heilman
Ben Henley
Rob James, close-up magician
Jupiter John
Tom Johnson
Emilie Jonsson
Laura Kidd
Fatima Kola
Shane MacGowan
Michael J Maciolek
Boudicca Maloney
Rhodri Marsden – for Internet hosting services
Mike Morris
Ally Moss
Jonathan Norton
Neil Scott – for website building services
Veronica Reveles
Jenni Scott
Brandi Shawn
Vanessa Siegl
Paola Sorrentino
Anna Spivack – for haircutting services
Charley Stone
Butch Sweaters
James Tuddenham
Robert Wringham